Right now there is so much going on around us, that if we pay too much attention to it and focus on it, we will find it hard to find joy. I don’t know if you are like me or not, but if I’m watching too much of the news, I will find myself getting emotional, sad, or mad. What they put out can really affect me if I let it. I work in television, I know how much it can affect someone if we let it. Regardless of what is being aired, positive or negative, it can affect us. That is what makes TV so powerful. The same with Social Media.
But YOU have a VOICE in all of this!
I have to guard my mind and my spirit. If all my attention is on what’s happening in the news, I will find that I’m complaining about what is going on. The Lord spoke to me about that when I was doing my devotions one morning. He said instead of getting upset and complaining about it, spend some time praying about it. There is always something behind what is “really” going on. Something driving that force.
So our job as prayers is to take it to prayer. Lift the situation up before the Father. Let the Holy Spirit guide us in our praying. Allow Him to show us exactly what needs to be prayed about in this matter. Then as we do that, we will find our breakthrough. Sometimes it takes more than just praying over something one time. Sometimes we need to keep holding it up in prayer until we feel the release.
The way I know I feel the release is, I usually start feeling that joy rising up in me. A song may come to me or I start to laugh. Sometimes depending on the situation, when I feel the release, I want to dance or jump for joy. Regardless of what it is your feeling, give into that. Follow that feeling, if you want to jump, then jump. If you want to shout, then shout. If you want to laugh, then laugh. Whatever it is, do it, then you will find the joy. You can leave that prayer time being full of joy instead of mad because of the things happening on the news. Knowing you have already taken care of it in the spirit realm by praying. You did your part in helping the situation and you know the outcome is Victory!